What You'll Learn

This course provides an upper-level awareness of cyber threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures. It explains vulnerabilities of computer systems and networks. 领导人将了解新的趋势和可以采取的行动,以建立网络安全计划和建立安全文化.

Introduction to Threats


Secure Networks


The Evolving Threat


Risk Assessment and Management


Cyber Incident Response

Incident response is an organized approach used to address and manage a security breach or attack.

Culture of Security


世界杯官方app Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security

世界杯官方app CIAS

认证信息系统安全专业预备课程由世界杯官方app基础设施保障与安全中心(CIAS)的研究人员指导。, 全球领先的网络安全智库,致力于多学科教育和运营基础设施安全能力的发展.

Over the past 15 years, the CIAS has been on the forefront of cyber security training efforts. The CIAS has been called upon by Congress, with support from the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, to strengthen the nation's cyber security preparedness.

Meet the Instructors

世界杯官方app instructors do not 'teach for the test,,但在很大程度上依赖于他们的行业知识,向参与者传授可以直接应用于信息安全职业的现实技术.

Jeff Reich


Mr. Reich开发了一种进入很少甚至没有安全或风险管理基础设施存在或现有系统需要更新的情况的历史. 他在包括Rackspace在内的一系列公司启动并领导了安全和风险管理项目, Dell, CheckFree, ARCO, and others.

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Jessica Hazelrigg


Ms. Hazelrigg also serves as the director of the Platform Threat Defense team for USAA, responsible for boundary defense (web and email security), endpoint security, public cloud security (AWS, GCP, Azure), and PKI services. Ms. Hazelrigg also served as an intelligence analyst in the US Army.

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Course Topics

Malware is designed to damage or disrupt computer operations, gather sensitive information, gain access to private computer systems, or display unwanted advertising. Typical cyber threats and the dangers associated with them will be explained. 还将采取对抗这些威胁的措施,以协助执行为完全避免这些威胁而采取的保护措施.

Secure network design requires many layers of defense. 网络设计对于防止和检测入侵至关重要,最重要的是降低组织的整体风险. Many different strategies can be implemented in a well-designed network. 本模块的目的是介绍纵深防御的概念,并提供对组织网络安全的熟悉.

A cyber threat has a constantly changing definition. 随着每天越来越多的设备连接到网络和互联网,我们必须发展我们的网络威胁计划以匹配这些定义. In this module we will introduce new technologies, trends and services. 我们将讨论它们是什么以及它们的弱点,以帮助您的组织做出决策.

Risk is defined as the combination of a threat and a probability assigned to that threat. 重要的是要了解与我们的组织相关的危害,并采取积极主动的方法来减轻它们. This module explores how to manage risk, assigning priorities to them, and effectively managing a program that attempts to eliminate or reduce the risks involved.

This module will discuss strategies for building a robust cyber incident response plan. Overviews include members and roles of our incident response team and how we can limit damage, retain confidence, 并通过制定全面的事件响应计划来减少恢复时间和成本,该计划采用主动的方法为不可避免的事件做准备.

安全文化是通过集体努力尽量减少与威胁有关的风险的做法. A comprehensive security program is an ever changing, ongoing, and engaging process in an organization’s security posture. In this module we cover elements of a successful security awareness program, training and exercises needed to design and implement a robust cybersecurity program.

Registration for this course is currently closed. Please use the sign-up form to receive notification when dates are available. Thank you for your interest.
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  • Current 世界杯官方app students
  • 世界杯官方app staff/faculty
  • Active members of the 世界杯官方app Alumni Association
  • Active-Duty Military and their immediate families
  • Veterans and their immediate families

世界杯官方app AP Summer Institute