


2022年7月5日 As 世界杯官方app prepares to launch its largest comprehensive campaign in university history, 一个大学部门正在坚定地调整其愿景, 专注和命名来推动活动的成功. 前身是发展和校友关系副校长办公室, the division has transitioned its name to the Office of the Vice President for Advancement 和 校友 Engagement. 在副总裁的领导下 卡尔Miller-Lugo在他的团队领导之前的几个月,这一变化就发生了 大胆:世界杯官方app下载 今年10月进入公开阶段. 

专注于进步, the division is directly responsible for successful fundraising 和 校友 engagement. Through divisional efforts to cultivate vital relationships across the public 和 private sectors, it is strengthening 和 advancing the university’s collaboration efforts 和 reputation among key stakeholders. These stakeholders continue to create opportunities for 世界杯官方app’s bold future to be realized. 

每年, the division collaborates with thous和s of donors to raise millions of dollars in support of 世界杯官方app’s students, 教师, 工作人员, 计划和资本项目. 增加学生奖学金, graduate fellowships 和 endowed 教师 positions allow the university to recruit some of the most talented minds to 世界杯官方app, 并让这些人才成为其蓬勃发展的学术团体的一部分. 由于该司工作人员的工作, 该大学拥有80多个教师职位, 超过330个捐赠奖学金, 近20个捐赠的研究生奖学金和90多个项目捐赠. 总共有529笔捐赠, 世界杯官方app的总体捐赠继续增加,市值为2.77亿美元.

在其发展部门内, Operations 和 Advancement Services; 校友 Engagement; Donor Relations; Corporation 和 Foundation Engagement; 和 体育运动 Development, the division is committed to telling the 世界杯官方app story while creating opportunities for donors, 校友 和 other supporters to be part of the university’s bold journey toward its strategic destinations of being a national model for student success, a great public research university 和 an exemplar for strategic growth 和 innovative 卓越. 这些目的地是世界杯官方app主席的基础 泰勒Eighmy的 十年策略远景其中还包括到2028年将学生人数增加到4.5万人的目标. 由于世界杯官方app的学生入学率逐年稳步增长, 越来越多的校友伴随着这个目标而来. 

Transitioning to “校友 Engagement” highlights the office’s dedication to actively building engagement opportunities for 世界杯官方app’s more than 150,在全球范围内拥有1000名校友, 其中超过70%的学生是在过去20年内毕业的. It is a critical part of the university’s mission to directly engage with its graduates, who are the ambassadors that can raise the stature of a university through their direct support. 主要的焦点是世界杯官方app校友会的运作和有效性. The association’s purpose is to engage 校友 in activities that advance the university, 提供有价值的服务和活动,让校友可以相互联系, 在校学生和大学领导. The division invests in programs that create greater accessibility to higher education 和 support local community education initiatives. 这样做的时候, 办公室努力营造一种自豪感, 宗旨和慈善事业:世界杯官方app校友会的核心.

校友会的一些标志性活动包括世界杯官方app校友晚会, 文凭冲刺5K, UTeeSA高尔夫比赛和Roadrunner国家校友联谊会. 它的 鸟了 播客也获得了大量的曝光和支持, highlighting conversations between successful 校友 和 special guests who have unique stories to share about 世界杯官方app. And the 世界杯官方app 校友 Association Scholarship offers a remarkable way to positively impact students at the university.

The Office of the Vice President for Advancement 和 校友 Engagement is driven by impact, 激情, 和对世界杯官方app的骄傲. 工作人员重视与捐助者的关系, 校友, 为有影响力的改变创造机会的朋友和伙伴.

“It is a privilege to lead the Division of Advancement 和 校友 Engagement during one of the most exciting times in the history of 世界杯官方app,米勒-卢戈说. “The terms ‘advancement’ 和 ‘engagement’ speak directly to what we do in this division. We are focused on increasing public 和 private giving through positive relationships with 校友, corporations 和 friends of 世界杯官方app in order to position the university as a premier multicultural research institution focused on student success, 卓越的研究和战略增长. 随着我们的工作进入公共阶段 是大胆的 竞选团队,现在是时候把我们部门的名字和我们有影响力的工作结合起来了.”


《今日世界杯官方app》由 大学策略传播

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世界杯官方app下载 is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research 和 discovery, 教与学, 社区参与和公共服务. 作为一个追求卓越的机构, 世界杯官方app embraces multicultural traditions 和 serves as a center for intellectual 和 creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development 和 the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, 国家和世界.


成为一流的公立研究型大学, providing access to educational 卓越 和 preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.


我们鼓励对话和发现的环境, 在完整性, 卓越, 包容, 尊重, 鼓励协作和创新.


世界杯官方app是一个骄傲 西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI)由美国指定.S. 教育部 .


世界杯官方app下载, a 西班牙裔服务机构 situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples 和 cultures for centuries, 重视大学生活各方面的多样性和包容性. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans 和 other underserved communities, 我们的大学致力于促进所有人的机会. 世界杯官方app, 一所一流的公立研究型大学, 通过对话社区促进学术卓越, 发现和创新,拥抱每一个声音的独特性.