


2024年5月15日- 毕业的高级 杰奎琳·阿维拉 will cross the stage this week to receive her bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering from the Margie 和 Bill Klesse College of Engineering 和 Integrated Design.

She has maximized her academic journey every step of the way — including serving as a Klesse College ambassador 和 holding leadership roles in several engineering societies in San Antonio.

“These organizations have enabled me to interact with diverse individuals 和 create meaningful connections at 世界杯官方app 和 throughout the city of San Antonio,”她说。.

有一个组织, 西班牙裔专业工程师协会, 在阿维拉的旅程中占有特殊的地位.

“It has helped in my professional 和 technical development through a variety of workshops. 在SHPE, 我已经学会了如何成为一名优秀的领导者,并为拉美裔人争取权益, 拉丁美洲人, 以及STEM(科学)领域的女性, 技术, 工程和数学),阿维拉说.

“世界杯官方app has helped me evolve into a better critical thinker 和 problem solver while being more open-minded, 勤奋协作, 直接翻译成我的研究.”

毕业后, 阿维拉 plans on attending the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, 她将在哪里攻读生物工程博士学位.

从小开始, 阿维拉的母亲向她灌输教育的重要性, 领导能力和决心. 这位世界杯官方app学生毕业于安·理查兹青年女性领袖学校, 奥斯汀的一所大学预科学校, 2020年5月.

“My life experiences motivated me to pursue higher education 和 research opportunities that will allow me to advance health care, 尤其是低收入家庭和移民,”她说。.

作为一个Roadrunner, 阿维拉, 第一代学生, 为她的学院之旅找到了支持 世界杯官方app大胆承诺 程序, a groundbreaking tuition-promise initiative for high-achieving Texas residents from families with an annual income of $70,000 or less that covers 100% of a first-time freshman’s tuition 和 fees for four years.



“当我在世界杯官方app继续我的学术生涯时, 积极的学校氛围让圣安东尼奥感觉像一个家外之家,阿维拉说.

除了充分利用世界杯官方app所提供的一切, 阿维拉在校外抓住了许多学术机会, 包括德州大学奥斯汀分校新生的NSF本科生研究经历, which gives students the opportunity to participate in h和s-on research projects; 和 the Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship at Stanford University, 哪个项目将本科生引入研究生水平的研究. Participation in these 程序s helped further develop 阿维拉’s core research skills, 同时也激励她攻读博士学位.D.

“我有机会与各种专业人士和公司互动, attend professional development workshops 和 create connections with others in the STEM community,阿维拉解释道.

作为一名崭露头角的研究者, 阿维拉 is thankful that her courses gave her the opportunities to explore her interests 和 pursue her research goals.

世界杯官方app has helped me evolve into a better critical thinker 和 problem solver while being more open-minded, 勤奋协作, 直接翻译成我的研究,”她说。.

An especially impactful opportunity for 阿维拉 was her time as an undergraduate research assistant at the 世界杯官方app Vascular Biomechanics 和 Biofluids Lab (VBBL). 安德Finol, the Zachry Mechanical Engineering Department Endowed Chair 和 chair of the Klesse College mechanical engineering department, 领导实验室. 它的任务是评估血液流动和疾病之间的联系, 设计用于血管内治疗的医疗设备.  

在VBBL工作期间, 阿维拉 was able to work closely with fellow researchers 和 was given the unique honor to present a first-author platform presentation at the 2023 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting. It is rare for undergraduate students to be given the opportunity to deliver platform presentations at the meeting. The fact that 阿维拉 was a presenter is a testament to the progression of her research capabilities.

毕业生, 客人, 教师获取你需要的世界杯官方app2024年春季毕业典礼的信息.
做好准备:查看世界杯官方app 毕业典礼上常见问题解答 页面.

这位毕业生准备在匹兹堡进行她的下一个学术之旅, she already has plans to seek out another higher institution to further continue her academic research career.


“I will share a wise phrase my mom has repeated to me throughout my life: ‘Aprovecha las oportunidades que se te ofrecen,翻译过来就是“充分利用提供给你的机会”.’”

— 风暴古德曼

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