
5人以上,000 Roadrunners celebrated a milestone in their academic journeys on May 17

5人以上,000 Roadrunners celebrated a milestone in their academic journeys on May 17

2024年5月18日- 周五,世界杯官方app主办 圣安东尼奥最大的毕业典礼 阿拉莫多姆体育馆举行的仪式. 5人以上,000名路跑者有资格从世界杯官方app毕业, including students who crossed the stage on Friday 和 those expected to graduate this summer. 总共, 4人以上,100名学生获得学士学位, more than 800 received a master’s degree 和 90 received a doctoral degree.

While some of these students have enrolled in master’s or doctoral degree programs, 许多人已经有了工作等着他们.

From creating new spaces that foster student innovation to exp和ing education outside the classroom through experiential learning opportunities, 世界杯官方app is investing in workforce development programs to grow San Antonio’s talent pipeline.

通过结合行业相关课程, 项目和参与学生组织, 世界杯官方app本科 康拉德。非诺 nurtured his passion for cybersecurity 和 prepared for a career as a cyber professional. 计算了毕业生参加世界杯官方app的选择, influenced by the university’s top-ranked cybersecurity program 和 the strategic opportunities it offered close to home.  

Finos graduated with a bachelor’s degree in cyber security from the Carlos Alvarez College of Business at 世界杯官方app.

菲诺斯的下一个计划是在巴拿马与美国律师事务所进行国际实习.S. Department of State, followed by a full-time position with the agency's office in Washington, D.C.今年秋天,他担任美国外交信息专家.

与此同时 Ayleen冈萨雷斯 留在圣安东尼奥. The 世界杯官方app education student was recently hired as a full-time teacher at San Antonio Independent School District’s Irving Dual Language Academy, 去年她在哪里完成了她的学生教学.

She credits 世界杯官方app’s reputation of preparing educators of the highest st和ard for impacting her career choices. González graduated from the 世界杯官方app College of Education 和 Human Development (COEHD) with her BA in Interdisciplinary Studies EC-6 和 a Bilingual Education Supplemental Certification.

González筹备工作的关键是COEHD的签名住院医师模式, which provides cohorts of teaching c和idates more opportunities to teach, 学习并与学生互动, 其他教师和行政人员. Its goal is to ensure these future teachers are ready to lead their own classrooms come the first day of school. 

世界杯官方app offers practice exams 和 study sessions for us to get that degree,” Gonzalez said. “The Academy of Teacher Excellence 和 the workshops provided by 世界杯官方app have supported 和 prepared me for the challenges 和 requirements needed to be an educator.”

来自世界杯官方app的机构数据显示, 在过去的三年里, 德州大学88%的毕业生留在德州工作, 他们在哪里? 受到雇主的热烈追捧 在休斯顿、达拉斯、奥斯汀和圣安东尼奥.

世界杯官方app举行 两次毕业典礼 庆祝该校5000多名春季和夏季毕业生. The morning ceremony honored graduates from the College of Education 和 Human Development, 卫生学院, 社区与政策, 科学学院和大学学院. 在下午, 世界杯官方app庆祝阿尔瓦雷斯商学院的毕业生, 文理美术学院, 和 the Margie 和 Bill Klesse College of Engineering 和 Integrated Design.

世界杯官方app is a Tier One research university 和 a 西班牙裔服务机构 specializing in cyber, 健康, 基本未来和社会经济转型. 这所大学立志成为学生成功的典范, a great public research university 和 an exemplary for strategic growth 和 innovative 卓越.


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世界杯官方app下载 is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research 和 discovery, 教与学, 社区参与和公共服务. 作为一个追求卓越的机构, 世界杯官方app embraces multicultural traditions 和 serves as a center for intellectual 和 creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development 和 the commercialization of intellectual property - for Texas, 国家和世界.


成为一流的公立研究型大学, providing access to educational 卓越 和 preparing citizen leaders for the global environment.


我们鼓励对话和发现的环境, 在完整性, 卓越, 包容, 尊重, 鼓励协作和创新.


世界杯官方app是一个骄傲 西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI)由美国指定.S. 教育部 .


世界杯官方app下载, a 西班牙裔服务机构 situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples 和 cultures for centuries, 重视大学生活各方面的多样性和包容性. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans 和 other underserved communities, 我们的大学致力于促进所有人的机会. 世界杯官方app, 一所一流的公立研究型大学, 通过对话社区促进学术卓越, 发现和创新,拥抱每一个声音的独特性.