Thursday, May 30, 2024



MAY 20, 2024 — 犹他州立大学主校区已被指定为5月28日民主党和共和党联合初选决选的提前投票地点. 世界杯官方app faculty, 我们鼓励员工和学生从周一开始提前投票,发出自己的声音, May 20 to Friday, May 24, or by voting on Election Day on Tuesday, May 28.

选民将有机会在该区选出候选人, county, 在今年3月举行的初选中没有获得多数选票的州和联邦一级的候选人. 初选的结果将决定2024年11月大选的候选人名单.

已登记的贝尔县选民可在H-E-B学生会贝尔室(HSU 1)投票.102) on the 世界杯官方app Main Campus. 免费的选民停车场在西门尼斯停车场的北部,就在公园的南边 H-E-B Student Union

市中心校区的学生可以在贝尔县选举部门投票,地址是1103 S. Frio St.  

Voters must present an approved form of photo identification.


Monday, May 20 – Friday, May 24
8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Election Day: Tuesday, May 28
7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Visit the Bexar County Elections Department 查看您的选民登记状态,并获取民主党和共和党的选票样本. 

Those needing assistance with curbside voting can call 210-335-VOTE (8683) or use the website to find information on additional accessibility options. 贝尔县的所有投票站都有快速触摸投票装置,供路边投票使用. 

有视力障碍的选民可以通过 OmniBallot Accessible Absentee Portal.  

希望了解更多世界杯官方app即将到来的选举信息的选民可以访问 to download a customized ballot. 选民禁止在投票站100英尺范围内使用电子设备,但欢迎携带打印的选民指南前往投票站.

世界杯官方app公民和社区参与领导中心邀请世界杯官方app社区在网上分享他们的投票照片. Follow @世界杯官方appEngaged on Twitter/X, Instagram and Facebook. 使用#RowdyVOTES标签,在距离投票站至少100英尺的地方发布你的“我投票了”自拍照.

Visit RowdyVotes for additional information or contact the 世界杯官方app Center for Civic and Community-Engaged Leadership.
Join the RowdyVOTES Community of Practice to receive announcements on voter engagement activities.
Pledge to vote in 2024 by visiting ALL IN to Vote.

公民和社区参与领导中心赋予学生权力, faculty and staff to engage in reciprocal, 社区体验式学习和奖学金机会. It is one of seven units within the 世界杯官方app division of Career-Engaged Learning,让学生参与校园和社区的体验式学习机会. 该部门通过与大学和圣安东尼奥社区的合作伙伴合作,开发有意的编程和服务,推动世界杯官方app的“从教室到职业计划”.

Noelani Cubillos-Sanchez

世界杯官方app Today is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Send your feedback to

世界杯官方app Today is produced by University Communications and Marketing这是世界杯官方app下载的官方新闻来源. Send your feedback to Keep up-to-date on 世界杯官方app news by visiting 世界杯官方app Today. Connect with 世界杯官方app online at Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram.





世界杯官方app’s Mission

世界杯官方app下载致力于通过研究和发现来促进知识的发展, teaching and learning, community engagement and public service. As an institution of access and excellence, 世界杯官方app拥有多元文化传统,是智力和创意资源的中心,也是德克萨斯州社会经济发展和知识产权商业化的催化剂, the nation and the world.

世界杯官方app’s Vision

To be a premier public research university, 提供获得卓越教育的机会,为全球环境培养公民领袖.

世界杯官方app’s Core Values

We encourage an environment of dialogue and discovery, where integrity, excellence, inclusiveness, respect, collaboration and innovation are fostered.

世界杯官方app’S Destinations

世界杯官方app is a proud Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) as designated by the U.S. Department of Education .

Our Commitment to Inclusivity

The University of Texas at San Antonio, 这是一所西班牙裔服务机构,位于一个全球化的城市,几个世纪以来一直是民族和文化的十字路口, 重视大学生活各方面的多样性和包容性. 作为一个专门为促进墨西哥裔美国人和其他服务不足社区的教育而设立的机构, our university is committed to promoting access for all. 世界杯官方app, a premier public research university, fosters academic excellence through a community of dialogue, 发现和创新,拥抱每一个声音的独特性.